Monday, 28 November 2016

Eric Danison's Sites and Blogs!

Here's a list of Eric Danison's websites and blogs and what they're all about!

Eric Danison Dogs:

A fun blog all about dogs and fitness with man's best friend!

Eric Danison Food:

The latest food trends and food tips from Eric Danison!

Eric Danison Review:

Want to know about the latest movie? Eric Danison may convince you to get down to your local movie theatre sooner than you thought...

Eric Danison Travel:

Short reads about Eric Danison's travels and global adventures!

Eric Danison Nutrition:

In-depth nutrition advice from a certified personal trainer and fitness fanatic!

Eric Danison Sports:

Eric Dabnison's thoughts on the latest sporting news, it couldn't be contained on one blog so you have 2 instead!

Eric Danison Social media:

Eric Danison
Eric Danison loves his dogs!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Eric Danison and the Danison Family

Hi everyone, Eric Danison here!

Hope you're enjoying my blog so far!

I'm a big family man, and I come from a long line of "Eric Danison's". Strangely enough my dad is called Eric Danison too... which technically makes me Eric Danison Junior and him Eric Danison Senior but I  don't know many people named after their parents these days so I just go by Eric Danison!

Though it does make post very confusing...

When I got my university acceptance letter confirming I was going to Loughborough obviously the letter was addressed to "Mr Eric Danison" and since my dad got to the post before me - since what young person actually gets that much post - he obviously opened it thinking it was for himself. When I came home from college I obviously then had to face a number of 'dad' jokes where my dad decided he was the 'Eric Danison' that got accepted into Loughborough. I can confirm my dad is not funny... despite him thinking he is hilarious, but I let him get away with it since I was so happy I got into my top choice uni!

About Eric Danison

Eric Danison and his dogsHi everyone, my name is Eric Danison and welcome to my 'About Eric Danison' blog!

I am a personal trainer from London and I have a Sport Science degree from Loughborough University. I'm interested in all things related to sports and fitness and the general healthy lifestyle. I've written some blogs before on superfoods and nutrition that accompany my sports regimes and what I find works the best.

See Eric Danison's blog - Danison's Dogs here!

See Eric Danison's health and food blog here

See Eric Danison's film review blog here!